You should already be comfortable in using the string class and be able to create and use strings to store text
data (usually from user-input cin
). The C++ string class is an improvement on the C-like strings
which are essentially character arrays. It contains several methods for manipulating and creating strings.
It can be used by including the following header.
#include <string>
Note that C-like strings can be manipulated using the cstring
Several methods exist to convert strings to numeric data types as well as converting numeric data types to strings.
// create a string std::string my_string = "1"; // then conver to an int int my_int = std::stoi(my_string); std::cout << "My int is " << my_int << std::endl; // do similar for a double std::string my_new_string = "1.23456789"; double my_double = std::stod(my_new_string); std::cout << "My double is " << my_double << std::endl; // we can also go to other way int my_new_int = 6; std::string another_new_string = std::to_string(my_new_int); // to string also works with doubles double my_new_double = 9.999999; std::string yet_another_new_string = std::to_string(my_new_double);
Using the string class, it is trivial to concatenate (join) strings using the +
// we easily concatenate strings using the string class std::string forename = "Craig"; std::string surname = "Evans"; std::string fullname = forename + " " + surname; std::cout << "My name is " << fullname << std::endl;
Thids gives the following output.
My name is Craig Evans
There are several useful methods for extracting characters and getting to size of a string. note that is also
possible to access specific characters using array like syntax e.g. str[4]
// we can also do some more interesting stuff char first_initial = forename.front(); char second_initial = surname.front(); // front gets the first character of string // you can probably guess what back() does // we could also treat it like an array i.e. forename[0] std::cout << "My initials are " << first_initial << second_initial << std::endl; std::cout << "My surname has " << surname.size() << " letters.\n";
This will produce the following output.
My initials are CE
My surname has 5 letters.
We can also insert substrings into existing strings.
// we can insert a substring into a string std::string middle_initial = "A. "; fullname.insert(6, middle_initial); std::cout << "My full name is " << fullname << std::endl;
This will produce the following output.
My full name is Craig A. Evans
It is also possible to search a string to see whether it contains a specific character or sub-string. This example demonstrates how to split a CSV string (i.e. look for a comma).
// create a csv string std::string csv = "Evans,87"; // find the position of the comma std::size_t pos = csv.find(','); std::string name; int score; // if the string contains a comma if (pos != std::string::npos) { // the name is from the beginning (0) to the comma (pos) name = csv.substr(0, pos); // the score is after the comma (pos+1) to the end score = std::stoi(csv.substr(pos + 1)); std::cout << "Name: " << name << " Score = " << score << std::endl; }
This produces the following output.
Name: Evans Score = 87